Lighweight Bite Sleeve for Junghund
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Short bite sleeve for bite training
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Junghundarm training sleeve for dog
training of young dogs
Key features of this Junghund
Training Bite Sleeve:
- super lightweight
- done of 100% dog safe materials
- improved bite surface for young dogs
- soft inside
- round handle outside
- padded hard handle inside
- D-ring under the handle for advanced functionality
- wall hang loop for best staying organized
- shoulder protection of hard plastic
Intended use of this Junghund
Training Bite Sleeve:
- improved bite work with bite sleeve for young dogs
- working on biting drive of dogs
- formation of full mouth proper angle for bite
Sizes available:
- Standard size of the bite sleeve left or right hand
- 3 lb (1380 gr) (without cover)
- 4 lb (1840 gr) (with cover)
- 1 lb (460 gr) (cover)
Just look how our bite sleeve
looks like in work
Photos from our clients
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Efficient bite training sleeve,
opened cover
Just look how our bite sleeve
looks like
Photos from dog trainer Aaron Levis
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French linen short bite sleeve for
bite training buy
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Fordogtrainers training sleeve for
young dogs trainings
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Dog trainer short bite sleeve for
bite training
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Lightweight training sleeve for bite
dog training
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PS 16 short dog sleeve made of felt,